Attn: Frustrated sales reps

4 steps to happiness and fulfillment in your sales career.

Do you feel stuck in your sales career? Maybe you want to earn more money, sell for a more well-known company, or sell into larger accounts. In a general sense, you want more out of your career, but you don’t know where to begin.

If any of that resonates, please read on.

During my third year in sales, I felt all of those things. I was burned out, bitter, and pessimistic. I was underpaid and I wanted more. Not just more money, but more fulfillment, happiness, and freedom.

I was a player/coach in a boiler room selling marketing services to small businesses. I was expected to bring in deals, coach the reps on my team, and close deals for ramping reps.

It was a GRIND!

I made an investment in myself that changed the course of my career and my life.

It was a $1.86 investment, and it resulted in me quadrupling my income.

The story goes I had a group of newer reps on my team who were just crushing it, and they were having fun doing it. It dawned on me that we were selling the same product, to the same people, but they were having a good time and closing deals left and right, and I was miserable and just barely scraping by.

I used to be them. What had changed? How could I get back there?

I had thought that the market had become saturated and that all of the good accounts had been sold already. They were proving this wrong daily.

I asked them each individually what the fuck they were doing. Turns out they were all reading Brian Tracy books and listening to his courses. If you’re unfamiliar, Brian Tracy is an old-school self-help/sales guru type. He used to be huge among realtors and insurance salesmen and used to sell sales and self-improvement courses on cassette tape through mail order.

I thought “self-help” was corny as fuck and only worked for dummies. I was desperate, though. 

That desperation was a gift making me juuuuust open-minded enough to investigate further. I bought a used paperback copy of Advanced Selling Strategies by Brian Tracy on Amazon for $1.86 and as I said, it changed my life forever.

Most of what was in the book, like most of these types of books, are things that we all know, just repackaged and delivered within well defined frameworks. However, it was one sentence from the book that changed everything for me. 

I have to paraphrase here because I gave my copy away and couldn’t find the exact quote online, but the essence was this;

most reps who stay in low-level go-nowhere roles do so because they’re too afraid to challenge themselves to do more and earn more and fail at it. Instead, they stay in jobs that they don’t enjoy, making less than they could elsewhere, and their lives suffer as a result.

He had my number. I couldn’t deny it.

That one passage was all it took for me to galvanize into action and put a plan in place to get me out of where I was, and into the career of my dreams.

This guide is the framework that I used to architect my dream sales career, 4x my income, and sell awesome tech to awesome accounts for awesome companies like Evernote, Outreach, and HubSpot.

In this guide, you’ll learn…

  • How to precisely determine what's most important to you professionally and what you want to do with your career. We’re all different and motivated by different things. Sometimes it’s hard for us to see what’s truly important and fulfilling for us. This guide will help you to unriddle that.

  • How to create a 5-year plan that will serve as your north star for all career decisions to ensure that every move you make is the right move.

  • The actions you need to take right now to get you where you want to be five years from now.

  • How to methodically make yourself undeniable to your dream employer.

  • A repeatable system that you can reuse as your needs, wants, and career aspirations change. This framework scales with you.

The best part? I’m giving this away!

I had originally planned on turning the guide into a paid course, but with all of the recent layoffs, I know that my best chance to help as many people as possible is to give this away, so that’s what I’m doing.

Submit your email below to gain access to the guide and accompanying workbook.